wtorek, 23 maja 2017

What happened in Manchester

Is it the way we are forced to live now? Waiting for another strike and fearing not to be another victim of this sick ideology? There is really nothing european governments can do about it all? They wont take any extreme measures because it may be politically incorrect? And when will Europe stop reveicing migrants from Africa and Asia Minor? A very large majority of them doesn't even come here to work, they don't even want to assimilate. They want US to deny who we are and what we believe in, they wont let themselves be treated as subjects.
The guy who carried out suicidal attack in Manchester was at my age. And even though he was an european he didn't consider himself as such. Because being born here doesn't mean much. It doesn't mean much to grow in this culture and live amongst  those people who you were allowed to. For many of you it will be something new but they believe to go to haeven after having killed a Christian. This is a high-end prize for extreme muslim.
Thank God our government refused to receive a single refugee.

1 komentarz:

  1. Re your last sentence: I really hope your life and safety will never have to depend on the goodness of strangers.
