poniedziałek, 29 maja 2017

Has something changed so far?

Yesterday I thought I should go back to what I wrote in January about my... New Year's resolutions! Yip, it's not an hallucination, I might be one of those never satisfyied people who think about this stuff in May. Let's see what were those things I decided to improve:

What is more, I would like to share with you some of my New Year resolutions:
1. To do more painting
2. To do more sport
3. To do more music
4. To focus less on my imperfections and to appreciate more myself
5. To study more.....
6. To spend less time online
7. To not complain about the weather
8. To be more spontaneous
 ( Jan 9th, 2017)

Thinking out loud I must admit that I managed to do most of this stuff so far! I remember complaining about weather in April but hey, who didn't! It was more than awful 😂. Anyway, there is still much to do but I feel okay with what I've done so far. I know I will have much more time to do all this stuff when this semester ends, can't wait for it. This year, in contrast to what happened in previous years, I hope to pass every exam in June. Fingers crossed! 😊
But I'm still not that spontaneous as I would like to be!
Oh, and I have studied more even though I didn't want that previously.. Good job, me!

niedziela, 28 maja 2017

Translating poetry

Today I decided to have some fun (?) and translate some italian poetry into english. Of course, there are many other ways you can have fun, real fun, but still.. I love challenges!
I have chosen a poem of a great romantic poet Giovanni Pascoli entitled Sogno (en. Dream). Here is original text followed by my clumsy translation (please don't judge me 😊):


Per un attimo fui nel mio villaggio,
nella mia casa. Nulla era mutato
Stanco tornavo, come da un vïaggio;
stanco, al mio padre, ai morti, ero tornato.

Sentivo una gran gioia, una gran pena;
una dolcezza ed un’angoscia muta.
– Mamma?-È là che ti scalda un po’ di cena-
Povera mamma! e lei, non l’ho veduta.


For a moment I was in my village,
in my house. Nothing has changed
I have been coming back tired, as if from a trip;
tired, to my father, to the dead, I was back.

I felt great joy, great sorrow
gentleness and mute distress.
–Mom? - She's over there, warming up some supper-
Poor mom! And she didn't see that.

piątek, 26 maja 2017

Mother's day in Poland

 💮🥀💮🥀 💮🥀💮🥀 💮🥀💮🥀 💮🥀💮🥀 💮🥀💮🥀 💮🥀💮🥀 💮🥀💮🥀

Happy Mother's Day to every mother! 😊😊
Today it is Mother's Day in Poland! It is a perfect occasion to reminiscent on our mothers and everything we can be grateful them for. In the streets I have seen many people carrying flowers or other gifts, and it made me think that even though we may have disagreements or arguments with our mothers, we never forget about them in days like this. We want them to feel special to us and to feel loved. And what makes a better occasion to give flowers and sweets to a women? Except for women's day - we are considering mothers only at the moment 😋

💮🥀💮🥀💮🥀💮🥀 💮🥀💮🥀 💮🥀💮🥀 💮🥀💮🥀 💮🥀💮🥀 💮🥀💮🥀

środa, 24 maja 2017

La La Land (spoiler alert)

I've just watched La la Land and it's such a lovely film! Some would tell me that it was boring but.. In my opinion it just has loads of space in it. And that's what makes this film so fantastic. I love movies that let us stop and forget about our everyday lives, but in a very calm and relaxing way. I also cried every second scene and that's something positive too! I managed to kill two birds with one stone: not only I watched something gripping and charming, but I also gave vent to my emotions which is very important; we should remember that sadness is something we first must let ourselves experience so later we can let it go and forget. And films make a perfect opportunity to do so!
I must also add that the last scene literally killed me! Why couldn't they be together? And live happily ever after? It's not fair. They would make such a beautiful couple of artists!
Oh, and all that jazz! So delightful! I just love this genre, it's perfect. It has always been my dream to become jazz musician as well. This film just strucked too many of my responsive chords (not only those related to music), so I am currently feeling positively devastated 😊.

In terms of jazz - "maybe it's dying but not on my watch" (an imprecise quotation of Sebastian's words). Nowadays people just became too lazy to even try to understand this beautiful and complex kind of music! Yes - we are a "fast and easy society"; we love fast food and easy money, we hate anything that comes slow and it difficult to obtain. We see, we buy, we want everything RIGHT NOW. I am not that type of person, I'm in love with waking up an hour earlier just to look through the window and sip my morning coffee, then I eat my breakfast for another hour, etc. I just hate being in rush, it makes me feel sick. And that's why I love the process of building, learning, etc. And for any musician - jazz is the hardest thing to learn.

Now you may reflect on, and listen to a masterpiece of a polish jazz-pianist, Leszek Możdżer playing with some international friends 😊. Enyoj!

P.S. I am going to buy a chello and.. I am goind to play it!!  It has been on my to do list for TOO MANY YEARS now!

wtorek, 23 maja 2017

What happened in Manchester

Is it the way we are forced to live now? Waiting for another strike and fearing not to be another victim of this sick ideology? There is really nothing european governments can do about it all? They wont take any extreme measures because it may be politically incorrect? And when will Europe stop reveicing migrants from Africa and Asia Minor? A very large majority of them doesn't even come here to work, they don't even want to assimilate. They want US to deny who we are and what we believe in, they wont let themselves be treated as subjects.
The guy who carried out suicidal attack in Manchester was at my age. And even though he was an european he didn't consider himself as such. Because being born here doesn't mean much. It doesn't mean much to grow in this culture and live amongst  those people who you were allowed to. For many of you it will be something new but they believe to go to haeven after having killed a Christian. This is a high-end prize for extreme muslim.
Thank God our government refused to receive a single refugee.

poniedziałek, 22 maja 2017

The death of Chris Cornell

A few days ago we lost one of the most talendet vocalists of our times. Chris Cornell was a lead singer of two well-known american bands: Soundgarden and Audioslave. For the first time I came across his music time when I was around twelve. He comitted suicide at the age of 52.
I often wonder what makes people kill themselves. Is it the grey everyday life they can't stand anymore? Or is it because of more complex emotions they can't manage with? It's easy to tell "I am currently feeling suicidal" but there must be some deep and dark dimention of this feeling that makes people loose interest in their lives. Unfortunately, for many who reach that point there is no return. What an overwhelming feeling it must be when you loose every little spark of hope. Seriously, what does it feel not to wish for sunshine anymore?

środa, 17 maja 2017

It's not easy peasy lemon squeezy anymore...

Why is studying so hard.. Or should I ask: why is being a student so tough. I remember being at this point only 3-4 months ago. I mean, exams. And with every passing year it becames worse and worse. Or is it only me being less and less resistant? Or is it the fact that not only there is much more to do but also I am always more and more.. and more tired of everything related with studying? Hope not, because I still want to complete one or two additional university courses. We will see. Now it's not the best moment to reflect about those things.
Thank God I've already planned a trip to Italy (yes, another one) with my friend Olga! We are going to have our stronghold in Bologna and from that point we will be making our excursions to nearby locations like San Marino, Rimini, etc. Thank God only 4 weeks left!!

poniedziałek, 15 maja 2017

What does it mean to change your life?

Many times people ask me questions like: how I did this or that, or how I managed to change this, etc. Here comes my answer and it is what I trully believe in.
People who want to reach some goals too often rely on their willpower that keeps them moving on only for short periods of time. The problem is they exclusively focus on the GOAL and instead they should pay more attention to introducing permanent changes in their lives. For example: there is a group of people who will only want to loose some weight when they stand on the threshold of summertime. They will try to get shredded before June ends so that they will appear a little bit better in a swimsuit. Have you ever heard of someone who was successful with this kind of strategy? I haven't.
When trying to change our habits we don't feel comfortable with or trying to become a better version of ourselves, we all should rely on why-power. It is good to motivate WHY we wan't something change and, instead of running a short distance at top speed (which is obviously exhausting), we should visualize our long-listance objectives. Writing them down is a good option when beggining. Then, step by step we can reach the goals we have set before, whithout unnecessary pression and without trying to fix every little thing at once.

niedziela, 14 maja 2017

Poetry of everyday life

I must confess I am not a big poetry fan..  At school, when we used to analyze poems, it just.. didn't interest me at all. For me it was like reading labels on food products. I was never inspired, and I would never say "What a beautiful poem" because for me it was nothing but some words put together pretending to be something exceptional.. Music is inspirational, painting as well, but poetry - is not.
And finally, after all those years of not appreciating poetry, I found out that there is a kind of poems that may interest me and may touch my emotions as well, which for me - was highly unexpected. That is the poetry of everyday life. For the first time, I discovered it when watching "Paterson" at the cinema, a film directed by Jim Jarmusch. It was a really profound experience as the film is very tranquil and has a lot of space, in contrast to other modern films. The action is really slow and everything is about beauty of everyday life. As I used to forget that this kind of beauty exists, for me it was a moment to stop and think, and it encouraged me to appreciate every little moment more.
Anyway, the most beautiful moments were those ones when main caracter recited his poems inspired on William Carlos Williams poetry, who was the first to discover this style of writing. Everything accompanied by airy, tranquil music..

środa, 10 maja 2017

I've been to Italy!

Hello everyone!
A few weeks ago I visited Italy with my collegues from university and one of our's professors (I must confess it has been my fifth time in Italy so far!). The leitmotif of our trip was "Made in Italy" and very soon you will find out why.
Our plane landed in Pisa and that's where we started our trip. To my displeasure I must admit that the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and of course, it's sourroundings, is not that great as it's told to be. The next day we made it to the city of Perugia, where we visited the museum of Perugina chocolate. We had "some" chocolate treats and I felt a little bit sick for the rest of the day. Anyways, it was definitely worth it as Perugina is one of the most known italian producers of chocolate and sweets in general. And those treats were too delicious not to taste them all!
Our next destination was Milan where we arrived in the late evening because on the way from Perugia to Milan we stopped in two other places: Pontedera and Florence. In Pontedera we went to the museum of Piaggio wehicles and it didn't impress me much as I'm not a big fan of automobiles. In Florence, since we waited for another train and had only like 2-3 hours, we watched some of the most important monuments. For me it wasn't a big loss because it was the second time I have been in Florence. This city always reminds me of one of the most popular computer games Assassin's Creed set in fifteenh-century Florence.
So, in Milan we visited the museum of Campari and, thanks God!, there were no treats because surely no one would pay attention to what was said about this company's history. The next day we made it to Bergamo from where we had our flight to Poland. We landed in Wrocław.
Summing up, our trip's leitmotif was pretty accurate as we visited some places related to one of the most known italian products: Perugina, Piaggio and Campari. By the way, I really enjoy travelling to Italy, I always make some great memories there! I love the atmosphere! There is nothing more pleasant than a cup of cappuccino and a warm cornetto in the morning and then off to some beautiful places.