niedziela, 28 maja 2017

Translating poetry

Today I decided to have some fun (?) and translate some italian poetry into english. Of course, there are many other ways you can have fun, real fun, but still.. I love challenges!
I have chosen a poem of a great romantic poet Giovanni Pascoli entitled Sogno (en. Dream). Here is original text followed by my clumsy translation (please don't judge me 馃槉):


Per un attimo fui nel mio villaggio,
nella mia casa. Nulla era mutato
Stanco tornavo, come da un v茂aggio;
stanco, al mio padre, ai morti, ero tornato.

Sentivo una gran gioia, una gran pena;
una dolcezza ed un’angoscia muta.
– Mamma?-脠 l脿 che ti scalda un po’ di cena-
Povera mamma! e lei, non l’ho veduta.


For a moment I was in my village,
in my house. Nothing has changed
I have been coming back tired, as if from a trip;
tired, to my father, to the dead, I was back.

I felt great joy, great sorrow
gentleness and mute distress.
–Mom? - She's over there, warming up some supper-
Poor mom! And she didn't see that.

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