środa, 24 maja 2017

La La Land (spoiler alert)

I've just watched La la Land and it's such a lovely film! Some would tell me that it was boring but.. In my opinion it just has loads of space in it. And that's what makes this film so fantastic. I love movies that let us stop and forget about our everyday lives, but in a very calm and relaxing way. I also cried every second scene and that's something positive too! I managed to kill two birds with one stone: not only I watched something gripping and charming, but I also gave vent to my emotions which is very important; we should remember that sadness is something we first must let ourselves experience so later we can let it go and forget. And films make a perfect opportunity to do so!
I must also add that the last scene literally killed me! Why couldn't they be together? And live happily ever after? It's not fair. They would make such a beautiful couple of artists!
Oh, and all that jazz! So delightful! I just love this genre, it's perfect. It has always been my dream to become jazz musician as well. This film just strucked too many of my responsive chords (not only those related to music), so I am currently feeling positively devastated 😊.

In terms of jazz - "maybe it's dying but not on my watch" (an imprecise quotation of Sebastian's words). Nowadays people just became too lazy to even try to understand this beautiful and complex kind of music! Yes - we are a "fast and easy society"; we love fast food and easy money, we hate anything that comes slow and it difficult to obtain. We see, we buy, we want everything RIGHT NOW. I am not that type of person, I'm in love with waking up an hour earlier just to look through the window and sip my morning coffee, then I eat my breakfast for another hour, etc. I just hate being in rush, it makes me feel sick. And that's why I love the process of building, learning, etc. And for any musician - jazz is the hardest thing to learn.

Now you may reflect on, and listen to a masterpiece of a polish jazz-pianist, Leszek Możdżer playing with some international friends 😊. Enyoj!

P.S. I am going to buy a chello and.. I am goind to play it!!  It has been on my to do list for TOO MANY YEARS now!

1 komentarz:

  1. I don't like musicals and I really didn't get all the fuss about this film, but after your review I think that I am gonna to watch it! :)
